Survey & Geospatial
Utilizing a mix of high-tech equipment and proven boots-on-the-ground site work, ConCad Engineering mobilizes experienced field crews to develop routing, assess as-built conditions, gather client-specified datasets and analyze feasibility for a wide range of infrastructure projects. A mix of GPS and GIS technology, including LiDAR laser imaging, complement traditional data collection techniques to bring precise, accurate data from the field to the design process.
Our GIS surveying services include:
- Surveying construction routes with GPS technology
- Gathering points for utility route location to permanent landmarks
- Creating a data routing and location file
- Creating geographical information system ESRI files
- Provide red line drawings showing cable routing with GPS point references and distances
Field Data Collection
From the office to the field, land surveying is the measurement and mapping of surrounding environments, employing mathematics, specialized technology and equipment. An essential element of any project, our CCS team provides accurate points and measurements to sub-meter level.
Our land surveying services include:
- Above and below grade layouts
- Data collection
- Topographic surveying
- MDU surveying
- Construction Staking and surveying
To learn more about our services call us at 708-216-9972 or click here.